Reading conventions

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This wiki content has been written using the following reading conventions.

Item Convention Examples
Entities italic action, data breach, users, knowledge items.
Menu functionalities Bold and italic User & Group management/Add Group refers to the functionality Add New available as a menu item in the submenu Services.
Commands (or guide paragraph) Bold Delete refers to the application command Delete. However, when a bold text is found alone in a row, it refers to a paragraph of the guide.
References to fields (or guide paragraph) Underlined Name refers to the field Name. However, when an underlined text is found alone in a row, it refers to a paragraph of the guide.
Values of fields "Brackets" "Henry" refers to the content Henry of a field, for example Name.
References to tabs or form areas Italic and underlined Options refers to the section or tab Options of a form.
Relevant text which needs to be highlighted Bold and underlined Relevant text.