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(Creating a board template)
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Use the '''''Board''''' and then '''''Board Template''''' home page menu item to access to ''board templates'' management screen. Use the '''+''' icon to add a new ''template''. You will need to enter <u>Name</u>, mandatory, <u>Description</u> of the ''board template'' and then click on '''Create''' to create and enter it.
Use the '''''Board''''' and then '''''Board Template''''' home page menu item to access to ''board templates'' management screen. Use the '''+''' icon to add a new ''template''. You will need to enter <u>Name</u>, mandatory, <u>Description</u> of the ''board template'' and then click on '''Create''' to create and enter it.
Defining the layout of the ''board template'' is done in the same way described for actual ''boards''. See
Defining the layout of the ''board template'' is done in the same way described for actual ''boards''. See [[Boards#Boards layout management|Boards layout management]]
=== Using a board template ===
=== Using a board template ===
=== Removing a board template ===
=== Removing a board template ===

Revision as of 15:29, 15 July 2021

Introduction to Boards

Boards are the key element managed in EasyBoards®. They can be used to manage activities and tasks.

Board creation

In this guide, you will learn how to create boards.

Boards can be created from templates or they can be created empty. To create a board you may use the + button in the boards window or access to the list of the "boards" (use menu Boards / Boards List) and use the + button.

Watch this short video tutorial to learn how to create a board from a template.

Video tutorial on using boards.

Boards layout management

Managing the layout of Boards very easy. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to create an empty board and how to manage its layout (adding lanes, moving lanes, removing lanes).

Video tutorial on using boards.

Types of lanes

Remember that lanes are of two types: composite lanes and card lanes. Composite lanes are lanes containing other lanes. Card lanes are lanes containing cards. Lanes can belong to one type only.

Composite lanes can have two layouts: Horizontal or Vertical. In Horizontal layout, created sub-lanes are placed one after the other horizontally (last created lane is placed as last on the right). In Vertical layout, created sub-lanes are placed one after the other vertically (last created lane is placed as last below the others).

Summary of the commands to manage the layout of lanes in a board

Command Use
Create a new lane in the board not contained in other lanes This command is in the board toolbar and allows to add a lane to the board. Use this command to create a new lane in the board. The lane is placed as the last in the board vertically.
Create a new lane in a composite lane This can be done by using the context menu of a lane. Recall the menu (use the three dots in the lane header, ...) and recall Create Lane menu item.
Change the position of a lane This can be done by dragging and dropping the lane to be moved. Click on the lane (where the name of the lane is printed) header to start the process and move the it while keeping the left mouse button clicked. Drag the lane on the target lane to replace. The system will show with a green sign when the position is acceptable. Just release the mouse button to place the lane in the target position.
Remove a lane This can be done by using the context menu of a lane. Recall the menu (use the three dots in the lane header, ...) and recall Remove menu item.
Rename a lane This can be done by opening lane settings. Recall them by double clicking with the left mouse button the header of the lane (where the name of the lane is printed). Edit the Description field with the target name and press Save & Exit.

For more information on lanes management, read Lanes.

Boards settings

It is possible to access boards settings from the boards toolbar, by clicking the Options icon.

The following table, explains the available options. Remember that to access settings you need to have sufficient privileges.

Option Use
Name This is the name of the board and can be changed.
Status This is the status of the board and can be "Active" or "Inactive". "Inactive" boards can be edited having the privileges but cannot be viewed and used by boards members.
Category TBD.
Board Auto Feed This enables the board auto feed feature, available with Enterprise license only.

To update settings press Update command. To discard, Cancel.

Boards commands

Several commands are available for a board. They can be launched using the board toolbar clicking on the icons displayed in it.

The following table, explains the available commands. Remember that to use some of them you need to have sufficient privileges.

Command Use
Back to List This command enable to leave the board and return to the EasyBoards® home page.
Auto Feed View This allow to choose the auto feed view. This feature is available with the Enterprise license only.
Create Lane This allows to add a lane in the board. More information in Boards layout management
Generate Lanes This command allows to generate automatically lanes based on an existing workflow. This feature is available with the Enterprise license only.
Options This enables the management of settings for the board. More information available in Boards settings.
Members This command allows to invite members to the board and to set privileges for them. More information available in Boards members and privileges.
Feed This command allows to generate automatically cards based on an existing workflow. This feature is available with the Enterprise license only.
Collapse All This command collapses all the lanes in the board.
Expand All This command expands all the lanes in the board..
Visibility This commands allows to hide/show the top lanes of the board (and their sub-lanes). Specific lanes can be selected.
Filter It allows to filter the cards in the board. Use Filter Term to set the search words, Highlight to highlight the matching cards but show all the others too, Show Only to show only the matching cards, Off to disable filter mode.
Search It activates the search functionality that allows to find cards matching given words. The functionality lists the matching cards and allows either to open them or to locate them on the board/lane where they are positioned.
Archive Lanes and cards in a board can be removed (lost forever) or archived (removed from the board and stored in a repository from which they can still be restored later). This command allows to archive the whole board content.
Repository This command allows to access the repository where archived lanes and cards can be search and, if needed restored to the original board. In the repository elements, cards or lanes, can be searched, selected and restored.
Reports This allows to open the reports page from which it is possible to launch the reports for the board activities. For more information about the available reports and their use, read Reporting.
Targets This command allows to set specific targets for the Lead Time report. In particular, the target target processing time of cards for each priority type of them. For more information about the available reports and their use, read Reporting.
Reset This clears all the contents (lanes and cards) of a board. Note that the content is not archived and cannot be restored after being removed. Use this functionality with care.
Chats The chat icon allows to open the chat console where it is possible to manage all the chats at the same time. For more information about the use of chats, read Chat.
Send Synchronization with backend is done automatically to retrieve and send updates to content according to the time interval set in Rate (sec):. This command forces sending data before the next refresh interval.
Receive Synchronization with backend is done automatically to retrieve and send updates to content according to the time interval set in Rate (sec):. This command forces retrieving data before the next refresh interval.
Rate (sec): This field allows to set the refresh interval of the boards, the interval of time (in seconds) at which the board updates (including settings, lanes and cards updates) are retrieved/sent and applied.

Boards members and privileges

It is possible to invite users to a board and to set privileges to access functionalities for them. This can be done by using the Member board toolbar command (see also Boards commands).

Remember that you need to have the requested "Invite Members" privilege to invite, remove or set privileges for board members.

Invite new members

Only active users of the application can be invited (see Users & Groups).

To invite users, click Members in the board toolbar and then Invite in the opened window. Move required users or groups from the left Uninvited column to the right Invited one and press Apply.

Remove invited members

To remove member, click Members in the board toolbar and then Invite in the opened window. Move users or groups to be removed from the right the right Invited column to the left Uninvited one and press Apply.

Manage privileges for members

To manage privileges for board invited members first click Members in the board toolbar. Then decide if you want to edit single member privileges or those for group of users. You can switch from one mode to the other by clicking Resources or Groups in the opened window. For the visualized members or groups, just set the privileges as required. Note: privileges are immediately activated and you don't need to perform other actions.

The following table reports a description of the available privileges.

Privilege Rights
"View" This is the minimum privilege. It allows to access the board and to view all its content (read all).
"Edit Content" This allows to create and edit cards in the board. If set, it implies the "View" privilege too.
"Edit Layout" This privilege allows to edit the settings and the layout of a board (its lanes).
"Invite Members" This privilege enables to invite, remove and set privileges for the members of a board.
"Collaborate" This privilege enables to use the collaboration features of EasyBoards®. In particular the chat (see Chat.

Typical configuration privileges for a user are:

  • "View" + "Collaborate". The user can view all the contents of the board and collaborate on items.
  • "Edit Content" + "Collaborate". The user can create and edit cards and collaborate on items.

Boards templates

Board templates are models of boards containing a structure of lanes. Templates can be used to quickly instantiate new boards without the need of configuring them and thus, saving time. They allow allow to standardize the approach to deal with the same activities among different teams.

Creating a board template

Use the Board and then Board Template home page menu item to access to board templates management screen. Use the + icon to add a new template. You will need to enter Name, mandatory, Description of the board template and then click on Create to create and enter it.

Defining the layout of the board template is done in the same way described for actual boards. See Boards layout management

Using a board template

Removing a board template