
From Easy Boards
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Introduction to cards

Cards are the core element of . They represent what you want to manage and this may be activities, issues, changes, practically anything.

To edit or change cards, you need to have the requested privilege. See Boards privileges for more information on privileges management.

Below is a short video tutorial to learn basic operations with cards.

Video tutorial on basic cards management.

Cards management

Create cards

To add a card, just press the + icon or use the lane context menu (...) in the lane where you want create the card.

Remember that the card is not created until it is saved.

Move cards

Moving card can be done visually by clicking and dragging a card. Release mouse button in the position where you want to place the card. The target location shall be in the same board.

Alternatively, cards can be moved with the card context menu. To activate the menu, click the left mouse button when your mouse cursor is on the card. Move to Lane and Move to Board menu items allow to move the card to a target destination. This works on multiple cards too.

When using the move menu commands, cards are placed left top in the target lane.

Delete cards

Cards can be removed or archived. Removing deletes definitively the cards without any possibility to restore them. Archiving moves cards in a repository from where they can be later restored.

Deleting can be simply done by selecting one or more cards and pressing the Del key. Alternatively, cards can be deleted with the card context menu. To activate the menu, click the left mouse button when your mouse cursor is on the card, then choose Remove. This works on multiple cards too.

Archiving is performed with the card context menu. To activate the menu, click the left mouse button when your mouse cursor is on the card, then choose Archive. This works on multiple cards too.

Select multiple cards

To select more cards, click on the cards you want to select while holding down the Ctrl key or select a continuous range of cards holding down the Shift key while clicking on the first and the last of the range.

Cards details and settings

Remember that the card is not created until it is saved.

The card contains several fields that can be edited, organized in different forms: General, Appearance, Assignment, Attachments, History, Statistics and Chat.

The following table, explains the available settings for General.

Setting Use
Title This allows to set the title of the card, appearing visually in the card.
Description This field contains the detailed description of the card.
Priority This allows to define the priority of the card. Priority levels and labels can be customized. See Settings for more details.
Assigned Resources This field is read only and shows the resources (among board members) to whom the card is assigned. Resources are assigned in the Assignment form.
Due Date This field is composed of two parts. In the first a date can fit, while in the second a time. These define the due date and time for the completion of the card.
Planned Start This field is composed of two parts. In the first a date can fit, while in the second a time. These define the date and time by which the card is planned to start.
Planned Finish This field is composed of two parts. In the first a date can fit, while in the second a time. These define the date and time by which the card is planned to finish.
External Link This field is composed of two parts. The first one, starting with "http://", allows to insert an hyperlink to an external document or site. The second, starting with "Text", allow to enter a text to provide details about the link.
Lane This is a read only field, displaying the name of the lane where the card is positioned.

The following table, explains the available settings for Appearance.

Setting Use
Color TBD.

The following table, explains the available settings for Assignment.

Settings Use
Resources TBD.

The following table, explains the available settings for Attachments.

The following table, explains the available settings for History.

The following table, explains the available settings for Statistics.

Settings Use
Commitment Point TBD.
Work in Progress TBD.
Delivery Point TBD.
Working Time % TBD.
Defective TBD.

The following table, explains the available settings for Chat.

Cards commands

Cards visual signs