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Introduction to Boards

Boards are the key element managed in EasyBoards®. They can be used to manage activities and tasks. Boards can be created from scratch or using templates (model of boards). After you create a board from a template, you can change it as needed.

Board creation

In this guide, you will learn how to create boards.

Boards can be created from templates or they can be created empty. To create a board you may use the + button in the boards window or access to the list of the "boards" (use menu Boards / Boards List) and use the + button.

Watch this short video tutorial to learn how to create a board from a template.

Video tutorial on using boards.

Boards settings

Boards layout management

Managing the layout of Boards very easy. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to create an empty board and how to manage its layout (adding lanes, moving lanes, removing lanes).

Video tutorial on using boards.

Boards privileges

Boards templates