
From Easy Boards
Revision as of 11:23, 18 July 2021 by Sottini (talk | contribs) (Work in Progress)
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Reporting overview

EasyBoards® allows to rapidly access to reporting related to Kanban use. Reports are launched from the Reports command available in each board (so from the boards).

The available reports are:

  • Work in Progress
  • Lead Time
  • Throughput
  • Issues
  • Flow Efficiency
  • Quality
  • Due Date Performance

Other reports will be added in future.

Work in Progress

This report shows the Work in Progress for the board. It briefly shows the cumulative trends of committed and delivered cards. The difference is the work in progress that, in a Kanban system, should be limited and controlled.

Work in progress at a certain date is determined considering statistical information of cards. Statistical information can be viewed in the Statics form of a card, see Cards details and settings for more details.

Lead Time



Flow Efficiency


Due Date Performance