Users & Groups

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Users Management

New users can be created from the home menu User & Group Managament/Add New. Existing users can be update selecting Users & Groups Management / Users Management menu and selecting the record to manage from the list.

NB: access to users creation and administration is limited to users having administrative role (see later).

Users shall be activated (in status "Active") to be operational. In other statuses, users are not active (they cannot login into Easyboards®) nor they are counted as licensed users.

Users information are organized in five sections:

  • Details
  • Privileges
  • Password Management

The table below reports the fields and a short description of them:

Section Field Description
Details Name Name of the user.
Details Surname Surname of the user
Details Username Login name used to access Easyboards®.
Details Email Email of the user.
Details Status Status of the user. Possible statuses are "Inactive" (when initially created) or Active.
Details Admin This field may have two possible values "Yes" or "No". If set to "Yes" the user has administrative privileges and can perform special tasks such as users and groups administration but also manage settings.
Details Language The application interface language set for the user. Supported languages are currently "English", "French" and "Italian". "Spanish" will come next.
Privileges Board Creator If set to "Yes", it enables the user to create new board.
Password Management New Password, Old Password, Confirm New Password These fields work together, enter a new password in New Password, enter the previous password in Old Password, confirm the new password in Confirm New Password and press CHANGE PASSWORD to change the user password.

Note that when the environment is initially created, a user with administrative role is created and activated using subscription information. The access credentials of this user are sent by mail.

Groups Management

Users & Groups Management / Add Group menu item lists the available groups and allows to manage groups (create, modify, delete). Only users with administrative privileges have the rights to perform group management.

Note that groups are only collections of users. Practically they can be used to assign privileges quickly in a board. To understand how to manage privileges for a board, read

The pre configured groups cannot be deleted but they can be renamed and modified in terms of belonging members.

If Board process defined at Company level required the implementation of others roles, the Administrator can define all the other necessary Groups,to make the standard process complaint the company one using the Add New function

Add group

Users & Groups Management / Add Group menu item enables to create a new group.

The table below reports the fields belonging to a group and a short description of them:

Section Field Description
General Name The name of the group.
General Description A description for the group (e.g. its purpose).
General Default Non editable, automatically managed by Easyboards®.
General Status Non editable, automatically managed by Easyboards®.
Members Code The user identifier of the member, not editable and automatically managed by Easyboards®.
Members Full Name Surname and Name of the member, not editable here because assigned in user management.
Members User Login Login identifier of the member, not editable here because assigned in user management.
Members Group Manager Used to identify and mark if the member of the group is the manager of the group. Actually, the manager will have the same privileges as the members.
Members Type Field not used.
Members Status Status of the member, not editable here because modified in user management.
Members VIP Type Field not used.

In the General form, use SAVE or SAVE&EXIT to update the group. Use DELETE to delete a group.

In the Members form see the figure below for the available commands.

Groups management controls and commands.

Modify group

Use Users & Groups Management / Groups Management menu item to see the list of available groups and click on the one to update. Modify using the features and commands described above in Add group.