Quick Start

From Easy Boards
Revision as of 14:05, 14 February 2019 by Sottini (talk | contribs) (Create a board)
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In order to start using EasyBoards®, you will have to do some preliminary steps.

Create users

With the upper menu, go to Users & Groups Management and create, update users information. For practical information on how to create and update users, see Users & Groups page in this wiki.

Create groups

Groups may be useful to define privileges on boards management for a their included set of users. You may decide to manage groups or to create new ones. To do this, use the upper menu entry Users & Groups Management. For practical information on how to create and update groups, see Users & Groups page in this wiki.

Create a board

Create a board and start managing cards in it. See Boards and Cards sections in this documentation for more details.